Open Access Off-Site for the Industries

Group Captive
Open Access solar is a great way for large consumers of electricity to not just save on costs, but also make significant progress in meeting RPOs (Renewable Purchase Obligation) and long-term energy transition goals.
In the ‘Group-Captive’ model, a solar project is developed for the collective usage of a group of corporate buyers. Solar Power Generator Company ( SPGC) will set up a SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) for the group captive model, where the group of buyers will hold 26% equity; Together, all buyers collectively will need to consume at least 51% of the power – a PPA is drawn up to ensure clarity on electricity tariffs for 15-25 years.
The adoption of the Group Captive model is witnessing an increasing trend amongst corporates, because the savings per-unit electricity make it a compelling model. The capital investment is minimal, while per-unit tariffs are at least 25-40% cheaper than the grid. It is a great way for corporates to ease into energy transition and procuring from renewables.
United Enterprises can provide Open Access Solar Power under Group Captive Scheme through. Please send your all queries for Open Access Solar Power at
Open Access solar is a great way for bulk consumers of electricity to not just save on costs, but also work towards meeting RPOs (Renewable Purchase Obligation) and long-term energy transition goals.
In the Captive model, the corporate buyer seeks to own the power-generating asset in entirety. The solar power generated off-site is used for the buyer’s self-consumption. The client puts in the initial capital investment, while EPC Contract (Domestic or International Solar Company) builds, operates and maintains the solar plant over the lifetime of the asset. The Captive model works best for firms that have a large demand for electricity and are committed to procuring it from Renewable sources.
United Enterprises can provide Open Access Solar Power under Group Captive Scheme.Please send your all queries for Open Access Solar Power at

Third Party
Many industries today aim to lower their carbon footprint and make strides towards procuring 100% renewable energy for their operations. Off-site Solar Solutions via Open Access helps achieve these sustainability goals, while ensuring guaranteed savings for every unit of solar power purchased.
In the Third-Party model, solar power generated at SPGC’S solar farms across India is supplied to your business facility, using the state’s transmission lines. SPGC will bill you every month, for the number of solar units consumed, at a pre-determined tariff for 15-25 years.
Consumers who cannot opt for on-site solar solutions, because of higher energy requirement and space constraint within their premises, tend to for Third Party Open Access. Our solar tariffs come at a cost cheaper than the grid and the power generated is non-polluting.
United Enterprises can provide Open Access Solar from Third Party / Principal.
Please send your all queries for Open Access Solar Power at
EPC Services
Determination of the true solar potential of the facility is the first and the most important step. At the initial stage solar mapping tools are used to estimate the availability of space, identify any potential shading and obstruction issues, and knowing the approximate amount of energy that could be generated from the site. This is the feasibility Study and first before step to Plan and Implement suitable EPC Project followed by Financial Modeling, Project Engineering & Design, Project Realization and Project Monitoring & its Maintenance. All above steps have scope of Services which involve Global Standards and Experts of related field. Both On-line and Off-Grid Solutions can be offered depending upon the Requirements of end Customers.

On-Grid Solutions
On-Grid or Grid-Connected Roof-top system is a solar power system which is connected to the utility grid. These are mostly used in utility scale projects to supply electricity to the grid/DISCOM at pre-determined tariffs and are most suitable for areas where there are no or less power cuts and the customer pays high electricity tariffs. They can be easily synchronized with Diesel gensets to reduce the overall cost of electricity/unit and also allows system to avoid storage (batteries), which has a huge cost. It is especially helpful in case of insufficient solar power, as it switches to the grid for non-stop power supply. We can take up EPC project for MW and KW Sized PV Plants Customers. Please send your all queries for On-Grid Solutions at
Off-Grid Solution
Off-grid or standalone power systems are not connected to the power grid. The energy produced is stored in batteries. They are suitable for areas that face frequent power cuts as it lets you save extra solar energy in batteries for use during power cuts. These types of Solar Power Solutions are also suitable for homes or facilities that do not have access to grid. A battery bank is set up which stores excess energy and can be used later when required. Here cost saving is not an advantage in such system because batteries have regular maintenance and recurring costs. We can take up EPC project for MW and KW Sized PV Plants Customers Please send your all queries for Off-Grid Solutions at